adnan's kitchen


  • 500 gr. dry chickpeas
  •  1/4 cup tahina
  •  2 lemons
  •  1 cup natural yogurt
  •  2 loafs Arabic bread preferably.
  •  2-3 cloves garlic
  •  Olive oil to taste,  otherwise:
  •  Pine seeds and 1 tbs. butter.



Fatteh is a Syriandish that uses pieces of stale, toasted or fresh flatbread as a foundation upon which various ingredients are added on top for the bread to be mixed and crushed with. As flatbreads quickly tend to get stiff when exposed to air, it is indeed a way of using stale bread. Fatteh refers to the entire class of Levantine dishes that use crumbled flatbreads in their preparation.


Adnan's Kitchen
Hommous fattah



  1. Soak chickpeas over night in water and bicarbonate of soda then  boil till done.
  2. Make hummos with tahina in the usual way  ( See: Hummos recipe ).
  3. Cut bread into squares and place them in a deep dish then cover them with the chickpeas water and let soak for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pour the hummos and mix well with the bread underneath.
  5. Arrange in the serving plate and pour some olive oil ,to taste, on top and decorate with some whole boiled chickpeas.

Alternative method:

  1. Spread half of the boiled whole  chickpeas on top of soaked bread.
  2. Pour the hummos on top.  Spread the other half of the boiled chickpeas mixed with the garlic yogurt.
  3. Fry the pine seeds in a generous amount of butter and pour on top